Many people complain that they suffer from pain in the knee joints. Unpleasant sensations may appear at intervals, after overload and daily wear. There are often injuries - they can be taken during sports, in everyday life.
Causes of knee pain

The bones inside the knee joint are covered with cartilage, which acts as a shock absorber. Provides sliding surface and impact pads. The pain occurs due to damage to various structures of the knee.
The patient may be bothered not only by pain in the knee joint from the inside or outside, but also by joint stiffness, reduced mobility. When the knee is bent, the lateral movements are defective, it is impossible to bend the leg completely. There may be external changes: swelling and redness.
Pain and swelling in the knee joint can occur for the following reasons:
- Injury and damage.
- Dislocations, sprains?
- Disc ruptures and ligaments.
- Knee fractures.
If there has been an injury, it is very difficult to make a diagnosis on your own. When the pain does not go away, and external changes appear, you should definitely go to the doctor.
The cause of the pain can be overload. Injuries are caused by repetitive movements, prolonged pressure on the knee, physical exercises.
Swelling and discomfort may occur after exercise, cycling, jumping and brisk walking.
Pain in the knee joint as a result of restarting can occur while walking and is explained by the following reasons:
- Inflammation of the fluid sacs.
- Rupture or inflammation of the tendons.
- The formation of folds in the joints and thickening.
- Inflammation or irritation of the fibrous tissue from the outside.
The causes of knee pain can be more serious:
- Osteoarthritis?
- Osgood-Spatter disease?
- Baker's cyst;
- subcutaneous infections;
- pinched nerves;
- Osteochondritis.
Treatment of the knee joint with folk remedies
A folk remedy will help you remove the swelling and reduce the discomfort. Effectively removes salt from the laurel body. Add 25-30 leaves with boiling water (400 ml) and boil for 5 minutes. Infuse for several hours, drain and take small sips. The whole tumor should drink within 12 hours.
The treatment is continued for 3 days. After that you have to take a break for a week and repeat the lesson again. Before taking a decoction, you should clean the intestines, otherwise an allergic release may occur.
When the salts begin to dissolve actively, the amount of urination will increase. It is necessary to carry out such a treatment twice a year.
For pain in the knee joint, there is another effective and tasty folk remedy - aspic. Restores cartilage tissue and synovial fluid, slows the development of arthropathy. There is a lot of collagen and protein in jelly meat, which are necessary to maintain the integrity of bones, ligaments and cartilage - this is a kind of binder. For treatment, all gelatin dishes are suitable. Helps restore the musculoskeletal system, prevents deformity of the joints.
The trace elements and vitamins present in the jelly strengthen the joints, maintain muscle tone. To prepare this dish, you can use pork or beef, chicken, turkey. Cover the meat with water and leave it on low heat for several hours until the broth starts to stick to your fingers. Do not add water during the cooking process.
At the end of cooking, the broth should be peppered to give it flavor, you can add garlic. Drain the liquid, disassemble the meat, spread it in portions and add the broth. Containers should be refrigerated until solidified. To be effective, this dish must be consumed at least once a day for a month.
Another source of collagen and protein is chicken cartilage. To replenish these substances, include boiled or stewed cartilage in your daily menu.
There are several ways to relieve pain and swelling:
- Grind a tablespoon of cartilage and take on an empty stomach with orange juice.
- Boil the cartilage until it is completely soft. Add the bay leaf, pepper seeds to the broth. Take 50-70 ml every day, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
- Boil your feet and eat two or three things on an empty stomach, be sure to drink water with lemon.
Knee joint treatment with sunflower
Sunflower root, if used properly, effectively removes salts that accumulate in the joints. It is especially useful for those people who spend a lot of time sitting. The root destroys all insoluble compounds, agglomerates, removes them from the body.
Grate 100 grams of sunflower root with a blender or meat grinder, fill with water (1 liter) and cook for 10 minutes. Cool, drain and drink water together to quench your thirst.
"Golden Mustache" knee joint treatment
Scientifically, this plant is called aromatic calligraphy. It is used not only for knee pain, but also for cardiovascular diseases. To make the cartilage repair process faster, you need to combine it with other means that have a similar effect. You can get the ponytail.
Mix the juice squeezed from the plant with any cream based on animal fat. The proportions are 3: 1. The composition should be rubbed on the problem area or applied as a compress.
A compress from the tincture of the "golden mustache" will relieve the pain. Soak gauze and put the joint, securing with a bandage. You can take it out after half an hour.
Treatment of the knee joint "Lecithin"
Cleanses the body of excess cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, nerve tissue. The composition contains acetylcholine - a substance that ensures the transmission of a nerve impulse.
Take one tablespoon daily with water. The duration of treatment is one month. To enhance the effect, "Lecithin" should be consumed with the egg shell - it is a source of calcium. It also contains manganese, sulfur, iron, copper and other useful trace elements.
Before removing the shell, the eggs should be thoroughly washed and immersed in boiling water. After it must be crushed and added to the dishes. In periods of exacerbations the dose should be 8 grams, after exacerbations 4-5 grams daily for two weeks.
Recipes for knee pain
Add rye grains (250 grams) with water (2 liters) and cook for a few minutes. Add honey (kilo), vodka (500 ml), barberry root (3 teaspoons). Mix everything well and keep in a dark place for three weeks. It is necessary to take three tablespoons before meals.
If the joint hurts, the tincture with washers helps to remove the swelling and discomfort. It is necessary to wipe the joints several times a day, to make lotions. Can be combined with uterine boron infusion. It should be drunk on a teaspoon before a meal in the acute period of the disease.
Grate a kilo of horseradish, add water (4 liters) and boil for 5 minutes. When the product cools, add honey to taste. Drink a glass daily for a month.
In your daily diet you should include hot cottage cheese. For its preparation you will need potassium chloride and milk.
Heat half a liter of milk at a temperature of 50-60 degrees, add one and a half tablespoons of calcium. After the product thickens, remove the pan from the heat and transfer the mass to a sieve, cover with gauze. In the morning the curd is ready for consumption.
Add 250 grams of raw horse chestnut to a bottle of vodka. Leave on for 14 days, shaking daily.
The sore spots should be rubbed at night.
Exercises and gymnastics to relieve pain in the knee joint are prescribed by a doctor. It takes into account the nature and causes of the damage and assigns the loads according to their indicators. Wrongly chosen exercises can worsen the condition.
If the discomfort is very intense, there is tension from the inside, swelling, redness, then the treatment of pain in the knee joint can be prescribed only by a specialist after examination.